BodegaSpa Registered Office:
23900 Lecco - LC - IT
Piazza Mazzini, 13
Administrative Office:
24034 Cisano B.sco - BG - IT
Via Marianna, 14
  tel(+39) 035.438211 fax(+39) 035.4382200   C.F./P.IVA 00212760169 - REA Lecco n. 306675
Reg.Imp. Lecco n. 00212760169
Cap. Soc. € 6.000.000,00 i.v.
Quality control

The company can be singled out for:

- The technical/commercial organization which allows it to carry out an ever improving industrial partnership role;

- an operating flexibility through which it can better adhere to client requests;

- a productive capacity through which it can reach even the most sophisticated market niches;

- its highly qualitative production standard, an indispensable requisite for the achievement of proper company's success.


Due to the above mentioned prero-gatives, which make the company a historical performer both on the Italian and the European market scenery, Bodega has obtained the prestigious UNI EN ISO 9002 certification. This has been a most carefully monitored internal organization of the productive process.